From a young age, I was always a fan of video games. It wasn't until playing the developer commentary in Valve's Orange Box that I found myself enamored with the game development process. That love, however, would take several years to blossom into a productive skillset.
In 2020, I began learning what I could about Unreal Engine, and since then have become a solid developer with a mind towards design and implementation. I believe that I'm an asset to any team in need of a programmer. My focus is currently on Unreal Engine, though I have considered dipping a toe into the Unity and Godot fields.
If you think I'd be a good fit for your team, I'd love for you to reach out and get in touch.
Team player
Quick learner
Receptive to criticism
UE5 Blueprints
C++ programming
Gameplay programming
Focus on modularity
Network programming
Develop a project to publication
Career in game development
Join well-rounded teams
Network with talented people
Find fulfillment in work