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Jesse Humphry
Adding Custom Classes to Editor Context Menu
One of the most powerful things I've done so far is adding some custom classes I made for my personal project, Orbital: Space Rogues,...

Jesse Humphry
Developing Indicators for Puzzle Designer
Hello all! Today we're going to be looking a bit more at how we can leverage editor-only functionality to give our puzzle designer a bit...

Jesse Humphry
Abstracting the UE5 MetaSound
In this post, we'll build on our previous work from Diving into UE5 MetaSounds, where we left off with a functional, but inefficient and...

Jesse Humphry
Diving into UE5 MetaSounds
Today, we're going to jump into one of the new features of Unreal Engine 5: MetaSounds. MetaSounds are the UE5 "replacement" for typical...

Jesse Humphry
User Interaction
The world inside of a video game only captures a player if it feels responsive, and user interaction is a key part of that process. In...

Jesse Humphry
Nativizing the Timer Component
One of the biggest initial hurdles for me as a developer was taking Blueprint-scripted components I'd developed and nativizing them in...

Jesse Humphry
Deep Dive: Memory Management in Blueprints II
After the first bout of tests, I had more questions about casting and the effects it might have on loading and memory.

Jesse Humphry
Deep Dive: Memory Management in Blueprints
I wanted to understand more about how casting affects memory through Blueprints. This post is the result of the first set of tests.

Jesse Humphry
Custom Component: Timer Behavior
I discuss the custom timer component I developed to give timer-based behavior to any actor I wanted in my personal project, Escape Fracture.

Jesse Humphry
Volatile Keys
This entry showcases how I developed a volatile key for my person project, Escape Fracture.
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